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6 Simple Ways to Stop Visitors Leaving Your Site


Keeping visitors on your website is about more than just interesting content.

You'll get better results when you take the time to figure out why (& where) they're leaving in the first place. That's how you narrow in on the best way to keep visitors from leaving your website - or at least keep them on it longer.

Why they leave

I know, I know...

Your website is beautifully designed, full of useful content and the thing you offer is uh-mazing. Why would anyone in their right mind leave?

Well, theres a few reasons:

  • Your site took too long to load

  • Your site is difficult to navigate or read

  • It's not clear what you're offering (let alone the benefit)

  • You didn't make it clear what they should do next

  • You bored them to death

Why you should care

So if these self-involved users are so easily discouraged, why should you care? 

The answer is simple:

You want results. Increased sales. Income. Moolah. 

And the only way you're going to get that is by keeping people on your damn website. So check your ego at the door, and let's get on with it already.

How to stop your visitors from leaving (without begging them to stay)


Understand where & why they leave

The number one way to keep visitors on your site?

Figure out where they're leaving from and try to pinpoint why. 

These are your weak spots and the areas you'll see the best results from fixing. Your Google Analytics has a bucketload of data, so use it. 

Keep them interested

Say it with me now:

Bored readers don't buy.

So, let's try keeping them entertained instead. This is especially important for service-based business, but can also help product businesses stand out from the crowd.  

Tell them what you're offering. In 1 - 2 sentences.

If a new visitor hits your site and isn't immediately aware of what you're offering and why they should care? 

They're gone.


The number one way to solve this problem is with a powerful headline. Something that communicates what you do, who it's for and what the benefit is, as simply as possible. 

Powerful headlines pull readers in and motivate them to keep paying attention. 

So make it powerful, or lose your visitors before they even have a chance to scroll. Your choice.

Tell them what to do

So you got them to scroll, now what?

Well, it's simple:

It's time to get bossy.

You see, without a clear next step, visitors are left to make their own choices. This increases the chance that their choice will be to leave your website. So let's reduce that risk.

Include clear calls to action throughout your website. Pop them in places where a user would logically take a next step (below your headline, at the end of a page or even in body copy).

But beware:

Keep your CTAs focused on your end goal and avoid distracting your visitor with unnecessary information or next steps. Distracted readers are almost as bad as bored ones.

Oh, and don't forget your 404 page. In the unfortunate event that someone ends up on it, make it easy for them to get what they need.

Make it easy for them to stay

No one likes spending time with people who are unclear about what they want (and then whine when they don't get it). Don't let your website be that person. 

Make sure your navigation is clear and easy to use. Keep the order logical. No fancy page names. Call a spade a spade, or risk confusing (& losing) people. 

Don't make them wait

According to Kissmetrics, 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.

2 freaking seconds.

Does your website load in the time is takes to say "2 seconds"?

If not, it might be time to get that sucker up to speed already. Start by running it through a speed test and then optimising the hell out of it. Because make no mistake, waiting for a website to load is hell.

Attract the right visitors

What if your website design and content are up to scratch, but you're still struggling to keep visitors on your site?

Then you're probably attracting the wrong people. 

If this is the case, it's time to reassess your marketing strategy and make sure that it's aimed at your ideal audience. Otherwise, you're wasting everybody's time. 


So, whatchu waiting for?

It's time to take action, friend:

Assess your analytics, pinpoint the issues and fix them already! 

Worried your copy is what's scaring them off? A copy audit can help point you in the right direction. Get in touch to find out more.